compromise agreement | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

compromise agreement

Termination Settlements: Employee Options

February 4, 2014

Employees who experience difficulty at work can frequently feel crushed and despondent; they may even be declared unfit to work by their GP due to workplace stress. Individuals frequently feel it unjust that their only option is to ‘walk away’. The current financial climate has been credited for increasing workplace tension, as employees are driven […]

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HSBC announces further job cuts

April 23, 2013

HSBC have announced further cuts in its drive to structure its UK operations. HSBC announced on Tuesday that it would be looking to implement up to 3,166 job cuts in the UK, mostly from its wealth management division. The announced cuts are part of HSBC’s continuing attempts to drive down costs in its three-year cost-cutting […]

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Protected conversations and compromise agreements

April 8, 2013

“Protected conversations” are one of the key employment law proposals that the Government is seeking to introduce this summer, along with the introduction of fees to the Employment Tribunal, the reform of the Employment Tribunal procedure, the re-naming of compromise agreements to settlement agreements, and compulsory pre-litigation conciliation. We’ll take a look at protected conversations […]

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What Exactly is a Compromise Agreement?

March 21, 2013

A compromise agreement is a formal and legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee which prohibits the employee from proceeding with a complaint to an Employment Tribunal. To be effective it must comply with Employments Rights Act 1996, s.203. It will normally have come about where an employer wants to terminate an employee’s […]

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5 tips on whether an employee should compromise their unfair dismissal claim

November 1, 2012

Does the employee have a potential unfair dismissal claim? What prospect of success does their unfair dismissal claim realistically have? What’s a reasonable value for the employee’s potential unfair dismissal claim? How much is the employee being offered in the compromise agreement? Is the termination of the contract of employment acrimonious or not? Does the […]

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