Compromise Agreements | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

Compromise Agreements

When businesses should use compromise agreements

October 4, 2012

Compromise agreements have received quite a lot of news coverage lately, with the Government consulting on, among other things, whether their name should be changed to “settlement agreement”. A minor change, yet apparently significant. Anyway, aside from the changing name of the agreements, compromise agreements are a useful means of terminating the employment relationship and […]

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Using Compromise Agreements to Resolve Workplace Disputes

July 16, 2012

The following is a guest employment law blog post regarding the use of compromise agreements to resolve workplace disputes. Dispute resolution is vital and any failure to engage in dispute resolution could lead to either an employer or an employee being penalised by an employment tribunal if the dispute results in litigation. There are several […]

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Welcome to Labour Blawg

April 24, 2011

Welcome to Labour Blawg. This is a legal news service on employment law for employment law solicitors and the general public on all employment law issues, as they affect both employers and employees. Some of the most common employment law issues relate to employment contracts, discrimination law including sex discrimination, age discrimination and disability discrimination […]

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