Labour law | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

Labour law

Employer Responsibilities

November 8, 2012

(US employment law and generally) An employer has certain responsibilities to their employees when they are on the job. These are rules and regulations that have been hard fought throughout the historical labor movements of the late nineteenth and early 20th centuries. Today employers are held to very stringent standards of conduct in order to […]

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TUPE transfers and the issue of ‘an organised grouping of employees’

September 24, 2012

How important is the connection between a service provision change and ‘an organised grouping of employees‘ under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE)? Recent cases have highlighted the difficulty in interpreting the meaning of ‘an organised grouping of employees‘ under the regulations.  A service provision change is where a service provider […]

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Tips for Avoiding a Labor Lawsuit

April 26, 2012

There’s nothing like a lawsuit to disrupt business and tarnish your business’ spotless reputation.  It’s simple to say, “Just don’t do anything wrong that would prompt employees to file an employment lawsuit,” but nothing is ever that simple.  Below are tips to help you lower your risk of being named in a labor lawsuit. Educate […]

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