The recent, and some say current, recession has made it harder for disabled people to find even part time work. In a good economy part time or contract jobs are more readily available for those that due to health reasons cannot work full time. With millions of Americans jobless the once fully employed workers are now talking odd jobs and part time hours to make ends meet. This job crunch is especially challenging for the disabled – making it harder for them to compete for limited job opportunities.
This dire situation has left many disabled adults wondering how they will survive and contribute to their families growing needs. For while employment and wages may be down the cost of living has risen – making it even harder on the poor and middle class. For people suffering from health conditions and unable to work – there is hope. Texas SSI Benefits provide a way for the disabled to receive a much needed income.
In order to qualify for Texas SSI people must have a documented need with a medical condition that has already lasted for 12 months or will last for at least 12 months into the future. This program is not designed for people with temporary injuries. Additionally since the program is need based – the family income cannot exceed $2,181 per month or $1,481 for the individual. If you are not making a large income but have significant financial resources in savings or investment accounts you would not qualify. This program is specifically designed for those with the greatest need.
It is important to understand whether or not you would be considered disabled in the eyes of the state. Disabled people must have a “severe” condition. Severe conditions are health problems that interfere with you performing daily job duties. A physician should evaluate you and issue a report with recommendations regarding your physical abilities, or lack thereof. The Social Security Department will also determine whether or not you can perform your past work. This is important to note because different jobs have various levels of exertion. For example if a recent job required you to lift heavy items your medical condition may prevent you from being able to step into that same position. However your prior employment may have required you to sit at a desk and type on the computer – something you may currently be capable of. They will take into consideration your skill sets, experience, and physical ability to determine if there are jobs within the country that you could safely do with your physical limitations. In this case Social Security may require you to look for that type of work. It ultimately comes down to the severity of your disability and doctors recommendations.
If you believe you are disabled and can no longer work under normal circumstances applying for SSI or SSDI is an option worth pursuing. Many people that want to apply, and believe they qualify, are discouraged by the complexity of the paperwork and requirements. Often simple errors can lead to denial due to a lack of understanding the state requirements and questions asked. Working with an attorney can ensure smooth processing of your disability claim and often lead to a more favorable result. Additionally if you have been wrongfully denied your social security benefits an attorney can represent you to try and get the ruling overturned.
In Texas the Bob Richardson Law Firm is available to help the disabled and specializes in standing up for your rights, ensuring you receive the disability compensation you are entitled to. Contact us today at 877-738-0204 to learn how we can help.
Andrew Miller is an avid legal blogger and manager of over 20 attorney blogs. This article was written on behalf of the Bob Richardson Law Firm.