Over recent years the weather in the UK has worsened and we have become far more familiar with ‘the white stuff’. When and if it does snow many employees may find it difficult to travel to and from work, therefore businesses should ensure that they are fully prepared for this eventuality.
It’s important to make sure that your company has a clear ‘snow plan’ in place so that all employees know what’s what. It’s important that employees know that it’s important to try and get into work, however if they are unable to make it then they need to notify the right people as soon as possible. If an employee doesn’t give a reasonable excuse for not attending work then they could find themselves facing disciplinary action. Your company’s staff handbook should state the position with regards to pay during a period such as this. Many companies do not pay staff who are unable to turn up, unless it otherwise states in their employment contract.
The rules change slightly when it comes to children. For example, it’s important to note that your staff may need to make arrangements if their child’s school has decided to close because of the bad weather – in other words for reasons out of their control. In this case employees have the statutory right to reasonable unpaid time of work as they need to care for their dependents.
So to avoid any confusion the best advice from my employment solicitor in London is to clearly outline your companies’ snow plan first so that everybody knows where they stand. If you do seek any further advice then you should speak with your employment lawyer.