Employment tribunals | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

Employment tribunals

Is suspending you from work fair?

October 25, 2012

If you’ve been suspended from work or think that you might be suspended from your workplace because of allegations made against you then this could be a stressful and confusing time for you. Being suspended from work often means that there are potentially serious allegations being made against you. This could result in disciplinary sanctions […]

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Employment Tribunal Case Management Discussion – What you should expect and how to undertake them

September 24, 2012

If you’ve submitted an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal or discrimination in the workplace then the Employment Tribunal may schedule a Case Management Discussion. This is more likely in discrimination cases as the Employment Tribunal normally issues directions without a Case Management Discussion in cases which only involve unfair dismissal.  A Case […]

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Confirmed Changes to Employment Law – Are They Fair?

August 14, 2012

Vince Cable, the UK’s Business Secretary along with other Cabinet members of the Government and business experts have been working hard to attempt to reform the current employment law which stands in the UK. They are trying to reduce the cost to the taxpayer and business owners and make the system fairer and more effective […]

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Action to take to counter disability discrimination at work

June 1, 2012

Leading a life with a disability presents many challenges, and unfortunately, one of them may be knowing how to handle workplace discrimination. Whether intentional or accidental, this kind of situation can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, or even threatening to you. Here is a step-by-step guide to handling disabilities discrimination in the workplace. If you feel that […]

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