It is clearly stated in UK employment law that it is illegal to sexually harass anyone in the workplace. A person must not pursue a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another, and which they know or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other person.
Examples of what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace include repeated verbal sexual comments / innuendoes, physical abuse such as inappropriate touching or physical contact, and the spreading of sexually malicious rumors. It is advisable to consult a specialist employment solicitor to advise you on the other aspects of sexual harassment.
There are some exceptions where sexual harassment or discrimination will not apply. These include religious employment where religious establishments may execute discriminatory employment where established doctrines of religion exist, and where there is a genuine occupational qualification (GOQ) and the justification for a specific job role is clear cut, for example a male or female actor to play a specific part. In these circumstances, a job application is used as an aid to providing balance within an ethnic group or gender rather than as discrimination.
If you do feel you have suffered from harassment or discrimination and have consulted your line manager, and they have spoken to the person who is harassing you, if the situation has not improved, you may decide to take the matter further by making a formal complaint.
By law all companies should have a complaints or grievance procedure. This is usually the course taken after you have exhausted all other avenues to resolve the complaint. There is further action you can take against this treatment if this does not work; you can make a claim for harassment or sexual discrimination to an employment tribunal. In such cases you should to speak to a specialist employment lawyer in order to obtain expert legal advice and to discuss all your options.